I choose [an electric scooter, bike or car] as often as possible, which just saves a lot of time and energy, and it’s fun. To me that’s the future of transportation, having a couple of ways to get around.”
–Councilor Alicia Bowman, from The Heights article
Leslie Zebrowitz bought her Tesla as a gift to her grandchildren, but she said she did not think the environment would also reap the benefits of her gift.
The “Electric Driving: Fun, Carbon-Friendly, and Affordable” seminar was part of Green Newton’s series of talks on the environment with the co-chair of the Newton EV Task Force Zebrowitz and five other panelists—Ellen Meyers, Green Newton President Marcia Cooper, George Kirby, Liora Silkes, and Newton City Councilor Alicia Bowman. The event was open to the public on Sept. 23 as well as on Sept. 30 from 7 to 9 p.m. on Zoom. Read More